I am reminded every day that separation-divorce is not merely a legal process. Rather, it is a major event – often a crisis -- in the life of a person, a couple, a family, that has legal, financial and emotional implications. All of these facets deserve care and consideration. I am grateful every day that my work allows me to draw on all my training and experience to be able calmly and clearly to attend to your needs in a creative, holistic manner.
My hope is that you will emerge from this process on more solid ground to begin the next stage of your life.
I was born in New York City and raised in Riverdale, Bronx and Westchester County. I graduated from Tufts University with a B.A., summa cum laude in international relations (1985) and then obtained my J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School (1989). I then spent five years as a transactional lawyer at Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton (NYC).
Although work at the firm was rewarding in many respects, and provided excellent legal training, I felt that something was missing for me professionally. I followed my heart and left the firm to pursue a masters’ in social work at New York University (1997), followed by four years of post-graduate training as a relational psychoanalyst at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP).
During this time, I discovered mediation and was thrilled (and still am) that I could combine my head and heart, as a lawyer and a therapist, to navigate people through very challenging and painful circumstances with integrity and hope.
professional journey
For many years, I sat on the Boards of the Family and Divorce Council of Greater New York, where I was President from 2007-2009, and the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation. I’m an accredited member of both organizations, as well as a Founding Member of the Association of Professional Family Mediators. I now devote myself full time to the practice of mediation and collaborative law. I am licensed to practice law and clinical social work in New York State. I am also a Certified Divorce Financial Planner.
I have also been active in social justice and other non-profit organizations including the Equal Justice Initiative and City Harvest, and sit on the Board of a family philanthropic foundation.
I live with my family on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and my office is in the neighborhood as well.
outside the office
My other passions include photography, painting, travel, art, music, and swimming, kayaking and hiking at my lake cabin in the Catskills. I believe my photography, in particular, helps me constantly to see the world afresh, as if for the first time.