If someone is in mediation with another mediator, she or he may want one-on-one advice and support from a consulting attorney.
The extent to which you use me in this capacity is really up to you.

Sometimes I meet with a client once, at the outset of a mediation or at a critical juncture, to provide an overview of the law, strategic advice, and answer specific questions.
I may not see that person again until the mediator has drafted the Settlement Agreement and I am asked to review and comment on it. Other people need much more support during their mediation process. In that case, I work on a retainer and can be available on an as-needed basis for in-person or Zoom meetings, telephone calls and email correspondence. Again, you decide how much you wish me to be involved.
This limited representation is a great way to use a lawyer efficiently and keep control over legal fees. Mediation remains the primary process, and you call on me to the extent that YOU deem necessary